



  1. 多功能設計:場地靈活多變,適合舉辦各類型的展覽、講座、工作坊及論壇活動。
  2. 永續創作支持:鼓勵藝術家使用環保材料與資源再利用的創作方式,並提供專門的展區展出相關作品。
  3. 跨文化交流:展演空間定期舉辦國內外藝術家的展覽及合作項目,促進不同文化背景下的藝術與社會議題對話。
  4. 技術支持:提供專業的燈光、音響及數位設備,確保每場展覽和活動都能有最佳的視聽效果。


  • 永續藝術展覽
  • 教育與社會議題的論壇
  • 藝術家與社區的互動工作坊
  • 公民參與及創新創作活動



Apply to Exhibit in AEET Exhibition Space. 

The AEET Exhibition Space, located in Taipei, is a professional platform for artistic and cultural display under the Association for Educational Equity in Taiwan (AEET). With a mission to promote education, cultural exchange, and sustainable development, this space offers both local and international artists a stage to showcase their work while fostering cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration.

Key features of the AEET Exhibition Space include:

  1. Multifunctional Design: The venue is well-equipped to host various types of exhibitions, workshops, lectures, and cultural events. It is particularly suitable for showcasing art that embraces the concept of sustainability, offering flexible arrangements to accommodate different exhibition formats.

  2. Intersection of Culture and Sustainability: The space is dedicated not only to displaying visual art but also to promoting social awareness and environmental protection. It places special emphasis on sustainable art, resource reuse, and environmental issues, providing a platform for creators to engage in meaningful conversations about society and the environment.

  3. Cross-Cultural Artistic Exchange: The AEET Exhibition Space welcomes artists from around the world to exhibit and collaborate. Through diverse exhibition programs, it fosters international cultural exchanges and provides local art communities with opportunities to connect with global perspectives.

  4. Education and Social Innovation: As a convergence of education and art, the activities hosted in the exhibition space go beyond artistic display. They include educational events, lectures, and interactive workshops aimed at inspiring younger generations to engage with social and environmental issues.

The AEET Exhibition Space actively promotes art rooted in sustainability. It invites artists with a commitment to sustainable concepts to utilize the venue, allowing their work to resonate with social issues and encouraging the public to recognize and practice cultural and environmental protection.


庫存狀況 現貨




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