For the past year, the Ukrainian-Russian War has been the number one search trend on Google. Some people may ask: “This war is so far away from me. It’s not my business.” Even so, it is a considerable warning signal for Taiwan. A joint article that we should pay attention to was written by Comfort Ero and Richard Atwood reporting a potential conflict between Taiwan and China ranks tenth among the top 10 conflicts. Therefore, as Taiwanese, we should not ignore the importance of peace by thinking that war has nothing to do with us. Coincidentally, there is a festival nearby that promotes peace. It is the International Day of Peace on September 21.
Next, let's introduce the origin of the International Day of Peace. Initially, the United Nations decided to officially designate the third Tuesday in September as the International Day of Peace for all nations and people to commemorate and strengthen the ideal of peace within themselves and among each other. Then, they decided to set it as September 21 annually from 2002 AD. They mentioned in the resolution: "Thereafter, the International Day of Peace shall become a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, and invite all countries and people to cease hostilities on this day."
The International Day of Peace has a title annually, the title of this year is "Acting for Peace: Our ambition to achieve #Global Goals". It will focus on "Action for Peace" and how the Sustainable Development Goals play a vital role in preventing conflict and maintaining peace.How can we contribute to peace?
Peace is actually not a difficult thing, we can start from our daily life. Everyone can take action to participate in the International Day of Peace and contribute to the goals of the Global Goals. On the official website of the United Nations, there are 23 kinds of action guidelines. Among them, I want to suggest two actions that I strongly identify with.
First, I choose to host an intergenerational dialogue. Intergenerational dialogue brings people of different generations together to discuss the importance of peace and global goals. Among all the causes of conflicts, most of them are due to the differences of opinions or positions between the two parties in communication, which lead to conflicts or wars. In my opinion more communication is the emollient to resolve the conflict between the two parties.
Second, I choose to hold an intercultural sports exchange event that promotes peace. In my opinion, we only focus on the results of the game, the skills of the players in sports events without mixing political and social complications. Take the 2017 Taipei Universiade as an example. By holding big sports events, athletes from different nationalities and cultures can not only compete on the field, but also exchange culture and food with each other outside the field. Through mutual understanding and communication, the world can be more harmonious and peaceful.
Before the end of the article, let’s think about why is peace so important?
In times of conflict or war, human beings may take on a different face than usual, and are likely to injure others and threaten their lives. As a person, safety is the premise of everything. Without peace, the world will be in chaos.
Nowadays, peace is the prerequisite for development. Seeking development in peace and promoting peace in development are the ways for human society to move towards a better future.
Finally, I hope that those of you who read this article not only know the importance of peace to us, but also hope to share this holiday with more people. If you still want to know about other interesting festivals, then just move your finger and subscribe to AEET’s FB IG YT and other channels to learn first-hand information!
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