
AEET 育成中心 AEET Incubation Center. 


AEET (Association Educational Equity, Taiwan) is focusing on educational equity. We Hope to encourage all levels of age to keep learning and pursuing their life goals.  

Invention and start-up a business are important ways to achieve a career goal and also make the world better. 

AEET Business Incubation in fields of Technology, Agriculture, Food, Art & Fashion, and any kind of business and invention. 

AEET Incubation providing Space of business, exhibition and lab, and also resources for start-up founding, business connection, and suggestions.   

No matter your age, nationality, genders, or education level, as long as you have great business plans, please fill up the application.

AEET will have 7 days to review your business plans and if you are qualified, we will have an on-line meeting right after. 

Please Introduce your business plans in Mandarin or English. The presentation format can be either text or video.

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